Embracing the Journey of Continuous Learning and Growth: A Conversation with Jonny Schneider

In our quest for success, we often find ourselves focused on achieving specific goals and milestones. But what if we shifted our perspective and embraced the idea that success is not just a destination, but a lifelong journey of continuous learning and growth? Recently, I had the opportunity to sit down with Jonny Schneider, an experienced product leader, owner and principal of Humble Ventures who shared his insights on the importance of embracing this journey. 

Let’s explore the challenges Jonny faced, the lessons he learned, and how his mindset evolved over the course of his career.

The Illusion of perfection: You don’t always have to be right 

Jonny reflects on his career, acknowledging that his constant pursuit of perfection often hindered his progress. He shares, 

"My whole career has been like that, which is hilarious. I've always cared so much about getting things right. And it took me a really long time to recognise that it's not that important." 

Jonny emphasises that striving for perfection doesn't always lead to success and can even get in the way. As product people, we have seen this lesson play out several times: good is better than perfect! It allows us to keep learning, keep growing, keep iterating. Not to be too clinical, but life is a series of experiences that allow us to iterate and become better - both within our crafts and as people. If we approach things with the open mentality of growth and learning, we have the opportunity to achieve more within ourselves. 

Unpacking Self-Discovery

During our conversation, Jonny reveals how he discovered his unique cognitive processes and how they impacted his work. He explains, 

"Once I get focused on a thing, I can't unfocus off of it until I understand it." 

He explains that this relentless pursuit of understanding has been both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, it has led to remarkable expertise in a wide range of domains, such as digital product development, design, research, and strategy. Jonny has become the go-to person for his colleagues and friends, earning a reputation for being knowledgeable and having the answers to obscure questions. 

On the other hand, this unyielding focus can be overwhelming, especially in distracting environments. Jonny shares his difficulty in filtering out different signals from noise, particularly in noisy environments like open-plan offices or crowded bars. The inability to differentiate conversations and process multiple sounds at once can be mentally exhausting. However, once he channels his focus onto a specific task or problem, Jonny becomes unstoppable. He dives deep into the rabbit hole, persistently seeking solutions and refusing to be distracted until he reaches the desired outcome.

This unique way of approaching work has played a significant role in Jonny's career. In the early stages, it propelled him to succeed by staying on tasks exhaustively until he achieved concrete results. His deep dives into various domains, from design to development to strategy, equipped him with a versatile skill set that few can match. 

However, as Jonny progressed in his career and took on more senior roles, he faced new challenges. The complexity of problems increased, and the dynamics of the teams became more intricate. He encountered situations where his tried-and-tested approaches no longer worked. This realization was a blow to his confidence, as he had prided himself on always having the answers and delivering successful outcomes.

Jonny admits that this period of navigating failures and setbacks was incredibly tough. It forced him to question his identity and reevaluate his approach to success. He emphasizes, "My whole identity was tied up in being awesome at the technical aspects of what I was doing, and then it's not working, and I'm a failure." It was a humbling experience that prompted him to reassess his definition of success and reframe his mindset.

Through this journey of self-discovery, Jonny learned the importance of embracing continuous learning and growth. He realised that success is not solely determined by the final outcome but by the process and the lessons learned along the way. 

Redefining Success: A Shift in Perspective 

Jonny's changing definition of success reflects a shift in mindset from technical achievements to building better product organizations and teams. He shares,

"The main thing that reveals to me is how much I don't know and how much there is more to know." 

This recognition has fundamentally changed his perspective on success and has led him to embrace continuous learning and growth as the true markers of achievement. There is a lot of value in small, incremental changes. Rather than searching for grand transformations or instant solutions, Jonny recognizes the power of consistent, incremental improvements in achieving meaningful change.

But it's not just about personal growth; it's about fostering collaboration and building strong relationships within teams. Jonny underscores the importance of working together and valuing collective efforts over individual achievements. Success is not solely about individual accomplishments but is rooted in the collective success of the team (As Moira Rose once said, when one of us shines, all of us shine!) This understanding has led him to prioritize building relationships, trust, and effective communication within his teams.

Studies have shown that teams that prioritize collaboration and psychological safety tend to outperform those focused solely on individual excellence. By creating an environment that encourages diverse perspectives, open dialogue, and continuous learning, teams can unlock greater potential and achieve higher success.

The Role of Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to recognize, understand, and manage our own emotions and the emotions of others. It plays a crucial role in building strong relationships, effective communication, and successful collaboration within teams.

Jonny emphasises the importance of understanding different individuals' needs and adapting strategies accordingly. He shares his insights:

"Figuring out how to build trust is different for everyone. It's a person-by-person journey. There's no one-size-fits-all approach."

This understanding leads to a new way of approaching interactions: where each team member is treated as an individual with unique perspectives, strengths, and preferences. By recognizing and valuing these differences, leaders can create an environment that fosters trust, respect, and collaboration.

Leaders who possess a high level of emotional intelligence are better equipped to navigate conflicts, motivate their teams, and create a positive work environment. They have a keen awareness of their own emotions and how they impact others, enabling them to respond to situations with empathy and understanding - but also make better, informed decisions.


Embracing the journey of continuous learning and growth is a transformative mindset that can lead to long-term success and personal fulfillment. Letting go of the need for perfection, understanding our strengths and weaknesses, going deep into areas of interest, navigating failures, and redefining success all contribute to a holistic approach to growth. By embracing continuous learning and maintaining an open mind, we can better adapt to changes, situations, and build solid relationships.

Remember, the journey of continuous learning and growth is unique to each individual. Embrace the challenges, celebrate the wins, and above all stay curious. As Jonny wisely notes, "No matter how much I know about stuff, it reveals how much I don't know. And that's not something to be embarrassed about. It's a reminder that there's always more to learn."


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