Tools & practices
Help yourself
Here are some of the tools and resources I have used in my product management career and within my own coaching practice. Give them a try and let me know how you get on.
I add to these regularly, so subscribe to my newsletter for updates from me.
Role Canvas
Hiring great people can transform a team or a business. But it can take time, collaboration and consideration to recruit the right person.
Undertaking a Role Canvas activity will help to create complete clarity about the role you are hiring for before you get to interview stage.
It provides a simple way to focus the key stakeholders on the purpose, responsibilities and skills of the role being recruited.
Download the Role Canvas below and read my article about the Role Canvas.
Download the Role Canvas
EQ Wheel
The EQ wheel is a practical tool to help assess any divergence between emotional intelligence/human skills and the needs of your organisation. It will help you to identify and prioritise areas for development. The skills in the wheel are some of the most essential to our work as Product people, so read my article about the EQ Wheel and download it below.
Download the EQ Wheel
Sphere of Influence
The Sphere of Influence (SOI) is a reflection tool that helps you and your team to make sense of all the things happening around you by thinking of them as:
1) Something that is within your control
2) Something that you can proactively influence or
3) Something that is a concern - it effects you but you have no control over it… like the weather!
The SOI can help you identify areas that you might want to take action on, and those where you might want to just let go. Read my article about the Sphere of Influence and download it below.
Download the Sphere of Influence